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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Single Review | Britney Spears - Do You Wanna Come Over?

Britney Spears 
Do You Wanna Come Over? - Pre-Order Track 
Release date: August 18, 2016

By Shawal Ras

The Queen of Las Vegas has released another instant grat off her upcoming album and it's a pretty hot invitation to her Glory-ous return. Uh huh.

'Do You Wanna Come Over?' is a pop banger with pulsating beats and guitar riff that reminds me of her Grammy-winning single, 'Toxic'. She sounds good (less chipmunk, more bass-y), and the song is surely gonna be a hit among many pop fans. My only comment: surprise guest vocals in the chorus are pretty loud, took me off the song's vibe for a bit. It's her song, she should be the driver, especially for the most crucial part - the chorus. 

Over the last few weeks, I kinda agree, we've been served with a lot of misses than hits. Don't get me wrong, 'Private Show' and 'Clumsy' are very good but they're not memorable (hence why they're not singles, right?), and 'Make Me...', no matter how stellar it is, the single is not charting high enough for her.

Anyway, the Army is running a theory that 'Come Over' will be served as her second single off Glory. Prove? The song, alongside 'Make Me...' are included in the new setlist for residency hit, Piece of Me. I hope Britney can confirm this and maybe drop a new video alongside her grand performance at the MTV's Video Music Awards (August 28th - set the date!). 

'Till then, listen to the track below!